Positional fields

Most lines in GFA have positional fields (Headers are an exception). During parsing, if a line is encountered, which has too less or too many positional fields, an exception will be thrown. The correct number of positional fields is record type-specific.

Positional fields are recognized by its position in the line. Each positional field has an implicit field name and datatype associated with it.

Field names

The field names are derived from the specification. Lower case versions of the field names are used and spaces are substituted with underscores. In some cases, the field names were changed, as they represent keywords in common programming languages or clash with potential tag names (from, to, send).

The following tables shows the field names used in Gfapy, for each kind of line. Headers have no positional fields. Comments and custom records follow particular rules, see the respective chapters (Comments and Custom records).

GFA1 field names

Record Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6
Segment name sequence        
Link from_segment from_orient to_segment to_orient overlap  
Containment from_segment from_orient to_segment to_orient pos overlap
Path path_name segment_names overlaps      

GFA2 field names

Record Type Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8
Segment sid slen sequence          
Edge eid sid1 sid2 beg1 end1 beg2 end2 alignment
Fragment sid external s_beg s_end f_beg f_end alignment  
Gap gid sid1 d1 d2 sid2 disp var  
Set pid items            
Path pid items            


The datatype of each positional field is described in the specification and cannot be changed (differently from tags). Here is a short description of the Python classes used to represent data for different datatypes.


The positional fields in GFA can never be empty. However, there are some fields with optional values. If a value is not specified, a placeholder character is used instead (*). Such undefined values are represented in Gfapy by the Placeholder class, which is described more in detail in the Placeholders chapter.


The items field in unordered and ordered groups and the segment_names and overlaps fields in paths are lists of objects and are represented by list instances.

>>> set = gfapy.Line("U\t*\t1 A 2")
>>> type(set.items)
<class 'list'>
>>> gfa2_path = gfapy.Line("O\t*\tA+ B-")
>>> type(gfa2_path.items)
<class 'list'>
>>> gfa1_path = gfapy.Line("P\tp1\tA+,B-\t10M,9M1D1M")
>>> type(gfa1_path.segment_names)
<class 'list'>
>>> type(gfa1_path.overlaps)
<class 'list'>


Orientations are represented by strings. The gfapy.invert() method applied to an orientation string returns the other orientation.

>>> gfapy.invert("+")
>>> gfapy.invert("-")


The identifier of the line itself (available for S, P, E, G, U, O lines) can always be accessed in Gfapy using the name alias and is represented in Gfapy by a string. If it is optional (E, G, U, O lines) and not specified, it is represented by a Placeholder instance. The fragment identifier is also a string.

Identifiers which refer to other lines are also present in some line types (L, C, E, G, U, O, F). These are never placeholders and in stand-alone lines are represented by strings. In connected lines they are references to the Line instances to which they refer to (see the References chapter).

Oriented identifiers

Oriented identifiers (e.g. segment_names in GFA1 paths) are represented by elements of the class gfapy.OrientedLine. The segment method of the oriented segments returns the segment identifier (or segment reference in connected path lines) and the orient method returns the orientation string. The name method returns the string of the segment, even if this is a reference to a segment. A new oriented line can be created using the OL[line, orientation] method.

Calling invert returns an oriented segment, with inverted orientation. To set the two attributes the methods segment= and orient= are available.


>>> p = gfapy.Line("P\tP1\ta+,b-\t*")
>>> p.segment_names
[gfapy.OrientedLine('a','+'), gfapy.OrientedLine('b','-')]
>>> sn0 = p.segment_names[0]
>>> sn0.line
>>> sn0.name
>>> sn0.orient
>>> sn0.invert()
>>> sn0
>>> sn0.orient
>>> sn0.line = gfapy.Line('S\tX\t*')
>>> str(sn0)
>>> sn0.name
>>> sn0 = gfapy.OrientedLine(gfapy.Line('S\tY\t*'), '+')


Sequences (S field sequence) are represented by strings in Gfapy. Depending on the GFA version, the alphabet definition is more or less restrictive. The definitions are correctly applied by the validation methods.

The method rc() is provided to compute the reverse complement of a nucleotidic sequence. The extended IUPAC alphabet is understood by the method. Applied to non nucleotidic sequences, the results will be meaningless:

>>> from gfapy.sequence import rc
>>> rc("gcat")
>>> rc("*")
>>> rc("yatc")
>>> rc("gCat")
>>> rc("cag", rna=True)

Integers and positions

The C lines pos field and the G lines disp and var fields are represented by integers. The var field is optional, and thus can be also a placeholder. Positions are 0-based coordinates.

The position fields of GFA2 E lines (beg1, beg2, end1, end2) and F lines (s_beg, s_end, f_beg, f_end) contain a dollar string as suffix if the position is equal to the segment length. For more information, see the Positions chapter.


Alignments are always optional, ie they can be placeholders. If they are specified they are CIGAR alignments or, only in GFA2, trace alignments. For more details, see the Alignments chapter.

GFA1 datatypes

Datatype Record Type Fields
Identifier Segment name
  Path path_name
  Link from_segment, to_segment
  Containment from_segment, to_segment
[OrientedIdentifier] Path segment_names
Orientation Link from_orient, to_orient
  Containment from_orient, to_orient
Sequence Segment sequence
Alignment Link overlap
  Containment overlap
[Alignment] Path overlaps
Position Containment pos

GFA2 datatypes

Datatype Record Type Fields
Itentifier Segment sid
  Fragment sid
OrientedIdentifier Edge sid1, sid2
  Gap sid1, sid2
  Fragment external
OptionalIdentifier Edge eid
  Gap gid
  U Group oid
  O Group uid
[Identifier] U Group items
[OrientedIdentifier] O Group items
Sequence Segment sequence
Alignment Edge alignment
  Fragment alignment
Position Edge beg1, end1, beg2, end2
  Fragment s_beg, s_end, f_beg, f_end
Integer Gap disp, var

Reading and writing positional fields

The positional_fieldnames method returns the list of the names (as strings) of the positional fields of a line. The positional fields can be read using a method on the Gfapy line object, which is called as the field name. Setting the value is done with an equal sign version of the field name method (e.g. segment.slen = 120). In alternative, the set(fieldname, value) and get(fieldname) methods can also be used.

>>> s_gfa1 = gfapy.Line("S\t1\t*")
>>> s_gfa1.positional_fieldnames
['name', 'sequence']
>>> s_gfa1.name
>>> s_gfa1.get("name")
>>> s_gfa1.name = "segment2"
>>> s_gfa1.name
>>> s_gfa1.set('name',"3")
>>> s_gfa1.name

When a field is read, the value is converted into an appropriate object. The string representation of a field can be read using the field_to_s(fieldname) method.

>>> gfa = gfapy.Gfa()
>>> gfa.add_line("S\ts1\t*")
>>> gfa.add_line("L\ts1\t+\ts2\t-\t*")
>>> link = gfa.dovetails[0]
>>> str(link.from_segment)
>>> link.field_to_s('from_segment')

When setting a non-string field, the user can specify the value of a tag either as a Python non-string object, or as the string representation of the value.

>>> gfa = gfapy.Gfa(version='gfa1')
>>> gfa.add_line("C\ta\t+\tb\t-\t10\t*")
>>> c = gfa.containments[0]
>>> c.pos
>>> c.pos = 1
>>> c.pos
>>> c.pos = "2"
>>> c.pos
>>> c.field_to_s("pos")

Note that setting the value of reference and backreferences-related fields is generally not allowed, when a line instance is connected to a Gfa object (see the References chapter).

>>> gfa = gfapy.Gfa(version='gfa1')
>>> l = gfapy.Line("L\ts1\t+\ts2\t-\t*")
>>> l.from_name
>>> l.from_segment = "s3"
>>> l.from_name
>>> gfa.add_line(l)
>>> l.from_segment = "s4"
Traceback (most recent call last):
gfapy.error.RuntimeError: ...


The content of all positional fields must be a correctly formatted string according to the rules given in the GFA specifications (or a Python object whose string representation is a correctly formatted string).

Depending on the validation level, more or less checks are done automatically (see the Validation chapter). Not regarding which validation level is selected, the user can trigger a manual validation using the validate_field(fieldname) method for a single field, or using validate, which does a full validation on the whole line, including all positional fields.

>>> line = gfapy.Line("H\txx:i:1")
>>> line.validate_field("xx")
>>> line.validate()


For some fields, aliases are defined, which can be used in all contexts where the original field name is used (i.e. as parameter of a method, and the same setter and getter methods defined for the original field name are also defined for each alias, see below).

>>> gfa1_path = gfapy.Line("P\tX\t1-,2+,3+\t*")
>>> gfa1_path.name == gfa1_path.path_name
>>> edge = gfapy.Line("E\t*\tA+\tB-\t0\t10\t90\t100$\t*")
>>> edge.eid == edge.name
>>> containment = gfapy.Line("C\tA\t+\tB\t-\t10\t*")
>>> containment.from_segment == containment.container
>>> segment = gfapy.Line("S\t1\t*")
>>> segment.sid == segment.name
>>> segment.sid
>>> segment.name = '2'
>>> segment.sid


Different record types have an identifier field: segments (name in GFA1, sid in GFA2), paths (path_name), edge (eid), fragment (sid), gap (gid), groups (pid).

All these fields are aliased to name. This allows the user for example to set the identifier of a line using the name=(value) method using the same syntax for different record types (segments, edges, paths, fragments, gaps and groups).

Version-specific field names

For segments the GFA1 name and the GFA2 sid are equivalent fields. For this reason an alias sid is defined for GFA1 segments and name for GFA2 segments.

Crypical field names

The definition of from and to for containments is somewhat cryptic. Therefore following aliases have been defined for containments: container[_orient] for from[_|segment|orient]; contained[_orient] for to[_segment|orient].